They get replaced with all the possible combinations matching the pattern. You must be wondering – what is “regular expression” here? Regular expressions are special strings that are interpreted in a different manner when used in specific areas. For the pattern, you can use the exact words or regular expressions. The command would be then: grep 'string'. With grep, you can perform simple searches, recursive searches, search for whole words, use multiple search terms, count matches, add context, and even pipe the output to other commands for further manipulation. 5 Answers Sorted by: 392 In Linux, I normally use this command to recursively grep for a particular text within a directory: grep -rni 'string' where r recursive i. All you need to do is provide the file name or directory you want to search for and the pattern you want to match. You can search in hidden files as well, and suppressing the 'is a directory' because Linux technically sees directories as a different type of file. The Linux grep command is a useful tool for string and pattern matching, allowing you to search through text files using various options. Using the grep command is easy, and it follows a simple syntax. Shows the lines that are not matching the And for the part, there are different options you can work with including: In the above syntax, replace the with the pattern that you want to search, and for the part, replace it with the file/directory you want to search in. The real solution is to use the find utility, which can search through sub-directories and provides the most resilient way to search for. another syntax to grep a string in all files on a Linux system recursively. Using the grep command in Linux is pretty straightforward, thanks to its simple syntax along with the multiple options to play with. to list files this way, or use wildcards in any other command, and it isn't a real solution for searching filenames like how grep searches content. Sudo pacman -S grep Linux Grep command: Syntax & Options